What is yellow fever?

Yellow fever is caused by a virus spread by mosquitoes in parts of Africa, South America and Panama. In around 15 percent of people, the virus causes severe and life threatening infection of the liver. Impaired liver function leads to jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes from which the illness gets its name.


Which countries require a yellow fever vaccination certificate for entry?


Up to date lists of countries which require an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis can be found on the CDC website. Scroll down to the search field to enter your country of destination.

Where can I obtain a yellow fever vaccine?


Yellow fever vaccination is not currently available through pharmacies, this needs to be performed through a designated yellow fever vaccination centre. If you are using Glide Online Travel Clinic for you pre-travel health advice and you need yellow fever immunisation, your doctor will refer you to a site where this can be conducted.

A list of yellow fever vaccination centres across Australia can be found here.

What are the potential adverse effects of vaccination?


Most common side effects of the yellow fever vaccine are mild, such as headache, muscle pain or low-grade fever.

Serious adverse reactions are rare. Around one in one million people suffer a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. Usually, these are people who have previously had anaphylaxis after eggs.

Around 200 severe neurological reactions have been reported after yellow fever vaccine worldwide between 1992 and 2014. These have included an inflammation of the brain called 'meningoencephalitis' and a condition involving paralysis of the legs called 'Guillain-Barre syndrome'. These have been fatal in rare cases.

Three to four people in every one million who receive the vaccine suffer a severe reaction called 'vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease'. This mimics natural infection with yellow fever virus and can lead to multi-organ failure.

How much does the yellow fever vaccine cost?


This depends on the vaccine provider, but costs often range from $150 to $170.

What to Know

Yellow fever symptoms

After an incubation period of three to six days, symptoms begin with fever, headache and muscle aches. This can be accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting. In most people, symptoms resolve in three to four days. 

Around 15 percent of those infected go on to have a moresevere phase of illness, in which the virus infects the liver. This leads to the symptom of jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes. Abdominal pain and vomiting are also frequent symptoms. This phase of the illness can also result in bleeding from the mouth, nose, eyes or stomach. Kidney function and other body systems can also be affected. Around half of those who enter this more severe phase of illness do not survive. The other half generally make a full recovery.

Yellow fever diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of yellow fever can be made with blood tests to look for antibodies against the virus and PCR testing to detect the virus itself. There is no specific anti-viral medication for the yellow fever virus. Treatment involves supportive care and medication to alleviate the symptoms.

Yellow fever prevention

Prevention of yellow fever involves avoiding mosquito bites in affected areas. The mosquitoes which carry the yellow fever virus generally bites during the day, with dawn and dusk being particular risk periods. Sleeping in air-conditioned rooms or rooms with insect screens reduces the risk. If this is not possible, then permethrin-treated bed nets are recommended. Wearing long sleeves and pants when outdoors and use of an effective insect repellent will also prevent mosquito bites.

Yellow fever vaccination needs to be given in dedicated yellow fever vaccination centres. A single dose immunisation provides protection for decades. Some countries in Africa and South America require an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) as a condition of entry. Certificates are issued by vaccine providers and are valid from ten days after issue. Australian authorities also strongly recommend travellers returning from yellow fever endemic areas within the last 6 days carry an ICVP.


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