What is rabies?

Rabies is a viral infection which affects the nervous system. It is present in many countries outside Australia. The virus is carried predominantly by dogs, but cats, monkeys and other mammals can also be infected. People who do not receive appropriate therapy after an animal bite are at risk of developing a fatal rabies infection. Of the 59,000 rabies deaths annually, the majority occur in Asia and Africa.


Which countries have rabies?


Many countries are affected by rabies. These extend across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. Notably, Australia is free of rabies, as are New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Island Nations and Singapore.

Does Australia have viruses similar to rabies?


Yes. Australian bat lyssavirus is a virus which is closely related to rabies and present in bats. Even in Australia, those who have been bitten or scratched by a bat should seek immediate medical attention.

Who should be vaccinated against rabies?


For those travelling to rabies endemic areas, it's recommended to see a doctor to assess the need for rabies vaccination. This involves gauging the likelihood you will interact with animals while away and checking the level of medical care available if you are bitten or scratched. Vaccination may not be required if you are not going to have significant contact with animals and adequate medical treatment is available if needed.

As children tend to interact more with animals, and this behaviour may be difficult to prevent for young children, the threshold for vaccination is lower.

What are the risks of vaccination?


Soreness at the injection site is the most common adverse reaction. Headaches, tiredness and nausea occasionally occur. Around 6% of people experience a non-life threatening allergic reaction after receiving a booster dose. Life-threatening allergic reactions occur with a frequency of around 1 in 10,000.

How much does rabies vaccination cost?


This depends on the vaccine provider. A two-dose intramuscular schedule is available in some centres for around $350.

What to Know

Rabies symptoms

After an incubation period which is usually one to three months (but can range from a few days to several years), initial symptoms can include fever, fatigue, muscle aches, nausea and vomiting. In the most common form of the illness, known as encephalitic rabies, the illness progresses after a few days to a week and can include hyperactivity, painful spasms of the throat when swallowing and ‘hydrophobia’, a fear of water. These symptoms then give way to coma and death in almost all cases.

Rabies diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis is usually suspected based on an illness with characteristic symptoms taking place after an animal bite. This is then confirmed with laboratory tests like PCR testing of saliva and skin samples, and antibody testing of blood and spinal fluid.

Rabies prevention

A rabies vaccine is available. This is commonly given in a two-dose schedule prior to travel to a rabies endemic area for those at risk.

The decision of whether or not to have rabies vaccination prior to travel needs to take into account the duration of the trip, the degree of animal contact anticipated and the availability of appropriate therapy for animal bite wounds in the region of travel. Adult travellers to areas where adequate medical facilities are available who will not be working with animals may not require it, but it is best to discuss this with your travel doctor. Whether or not rabies immunisation is undertaken, avoidance of dogs, cats, monkeys and other wildlife is a sensible precaution.

As there is no proven effective treatment for rabies once symptoms have developed, it is vital to seek preventive medical therapy for an animal bite which occurs in an affected country. This includes first aid, cleaning of the bite wound (for at least 15 minutes with soap and water) and rabies immunisation. Immunisation after a significant animal exposure is required even for those who have received the rabies vaccine prior to travel.


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